upcomıng events

Summer Research Program

Summer research program application results are announced!

We will be working with a group of international and Turkish undergrad and high school students this summer as we did last year.

For details, visit our project pages and discover what we are going to do together.

Date: 11 July – 9 September 2017

Location: KUAR

past events

Creative Thinking with UX tools Workshop at UXISTANBUL

This workshop aims to provide an experience of UX ecology and to create UX awareness for participants with different experiences, interests and from different backgrounds. Participants will be playing different roles already existing in UX ecology, and they will be discussing their daily life needs, experiences and desires as well as co-imagining and co-ideating throughout the workshop. The role-playing will serve as a platform where they will realise the contributions they could make in a UX ecology, by being a part of it. Their discussions will form future concepts which will create awareness for different ideas, needs and experience as well as how to put them together. Moderators will empower the discussions, participant engagement and ideation by utilising different UX methods and tools with minimum intervention.

Date:  21.02.2017

Location:  Ux Istanbul, Renaissance Istanbul Polat Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul

More Info: http://uxistanbul.org/asim-evren-yantac/

Gamification in Kitchen User Experience Workshop

Imagine your kitchen can give you the experience of sharing whole kitchen processes with co-located or remote people, accompanies and guides you with small adaptive games or music while cooking, or helps you track your daily activities.

In this workshop, our aim is to explore how the time spent in kitchen, and cooking, eating and nutritioning experiences can change and flourish with gamification. In this all-day workshop, we will discuss on our conceptual framework with the experts of kitchen, gaming, nutritioning and design.

Date: 3 February 2017, 09:00 – 16:00

Location: Refika’s Kitchen, Kuzguncuk

Moderators: Güncel Kırlangıç, Asım Evren Yantaç

Project Details

Küçükyalı Arkeopark Design Workshops

As part of the Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark project supported by İstanbul Development Agency, graphic design and industrial design workshops are getting started at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark.

The aim of these workshops is to create 2 and 3 dimensional products some of which will be produced by traditional methods. They are to emphasize the importance of Küçükyalı ArkeoPark by means of archaeology, architectural history and art history; sustainability of cultural heritage and to satisfy the needs of the site such as tourism, publicity, visibility etc. along with the connection with Çınar neighborhood where it stands. The workshops will be open to the university students from industrial design and graphic design departments of all the universities.


WORKSHOP 3 – Joint Workshop

Date: 6 May 2016 09.30 – 17.30

Location: Küçükyalı Arkeopark

Moderators: Asım Evren Yantaç, Aykut Coşkun

Eligible People: University students from industrial design and graphic design departments of all the universities.

Küçükyalı Arkeopark Design Workshops

As part of the Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark project supported by İstanbul Development Agency, graphic design and industrial design workshops are getting started at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark.

The aim of these workshops is to create 2 and 3 dimensional products some of which will be produced by traditional methods. They are to emphasize the importance of Küçükyalı ArkeoPark by means of archaeology, architectural history and art history; sustainability of cultural heritage and to satisfy the needs of the site such as tourism, publicity, visibility etc. along with the connection with Çınar neighborhood where it stands. The workshops will be open to the university students from industrial design and graphic design departments of all the universities.


WORKSHOP 2 – Graphic Design Workshop

Date: 3 May 2016 15.00 – 18.00

Location: KUAR – Koç University

Moderators: Asım Evren Yantaç, Aykut Coşkun

Eligible People: University students from graphic design departments of all the universities.


WORKSHOP 1 – Industrial Design Workshop

Date: 29 April 2016 09.30 – 17.30

Location: Küçükyalı Arkeopark

Moderators: Asım Evren Yantaç, Aykut Coşkun

Eligible People: University students from industrial design departments of all the universities.

Bodystorming Workshop Series


Date: 1 April 2016 10.30

Location: Dancing Room / Student Center – Koç University

Moderator: Beste Özdeşlik, Doğa Çorlu

We are exploring our interactions with distracting stimuli by bodystorming using a mirror!

Duration: 3 hours

Eligible People: No requirement for participation!



Date: 25 March 2016 10.30

Location: Dancing Room / Student Center – Koç University

Refined Reality Mirror: Workshop Series


Date: 11 March 2016 09.30

Location: KUAR – Koç University

Moderator: Doğa Çorlu

An ordinary usability test basically consists of revealing problems of the interface, defining tasks, recruiting users and evaluating usability. However, when it comes to an usability test of a spatial interface with atypical users such as autistics, things get doubly challenging.

In this workshop, we will be designing a test to evaluate a refined reality prototype for autistic users.

Duration: 3 hours

Eligible People: Interaction designers, psychologists, autism experts and explorers are welcome!


Date: 03 March 2016 09.30

Location: SOS 143 – Koç University

Project Details

Kitchen Interactions: A Workshop Series

Date: 03 March 2016 14.00

Location: Koc University

Moderator: Güncel Kırlangıç

Chopping onions, stirring soup, cracking an egg… These are some of the gestures that are made while cooking. What if we can use these gestures to show cooking related information, and interact with this information?

This workshop is designed to explore the type of information to show, and novel ways to interact with the shown information in the kitchen.

Duration: 2-3 hours

Eligible People: Anyone who likes spending time in kitchen, and eager to create new user experiences.

Project Details

Soundscape Visualization Workshop

Date: 18 March 2016

Moderator: Selman Yücetürk

Waking up with bird tweetings, putting your music on, exposing to traffic noise, and taking a moment to listen street musicians… These are the sounds we hear in our city life. What else do you hear and expose during your routine in the city? How does all these auditory stimulus affect us?

These questions of interest leads us to Soundscape Visualization project.

The aim of this workshop is to investigate results and decisions given during the soundscape visualization process and collect contributions to step ahead.

Duration: 2 hours

Eligible People: Anyone who wants to contribute. No eligibility is needed.

Project Details

Soundsslike Workshop

Date: 10 March 2016

Moderator: Pınar Çevikayak Yelmi

Developing a crowdsourced sound archive for protecting the sonic values of intangible cultural heritage

Sounds are inevitable parts of our daily lives and our cultures. Also, sounds are of great importance in terms of intangible cultural heritage. Sounds that are not protected or archived get lost forever. In a dynamic city such as Istanbul, daily life and urban sounds change rapidly. Therefore, it is significant and necessary to protect cultural soundmarks of the city as expeditiously as possible to sustain cultural identity and cultural memory.

This workshop intends to explore ways of developing a crowdsourced sound archive whose main aim is to raise public awareness of urban and cultural sounds and to protect these sounds as a collective work. Providing the opportunity of expanding with future and past soundscapes of also other cities, this crowdsourced sound archive will offer a sustainable system for collecting urban sounds. In the workshop, we will have discussions on already existing sound archives and search ways of developing a crowdsourced one.

Duration: 2 hours

Eligible People: Designers, engineers, people dealing with sounds and anyone who wants to contribute

Seyir Defteri 1 - 2

Date: 06 March + 11, 12 April 2014

Location: SALT Galata + Koç University

Moderators: Damla Çay, Özge Genç, Asım Evren Yantaç

The aim of this workshop was to share experiences that were gained during the journal study , and determining topics after discussing about the problems/difficulties and possible needs in cities. Participants were asked to work on an individual visualization project for the determined topics.


Circulation Maps

Date: 27 January 2014

Location: SOS Z15 – Koç University

Moderators: Damla Çay, Özge Genç, Asım Evren Yantaç

Movement of people is the biggest fact in determining a city’s rhytm . At this workshop, participants were asked to visualize data on maps based on the scenarios which take place in Beyoglu.


Location and Time Maps

Date: 07 December 2013

Location: SALT Galata

Moderators: Özge Genç, Damla Çay, Asım Evren Yantaç

In a dynamic city life, there is nonstop information production about objects, places, people, and events. The increase of this formless and disconnected information creates a huge clutter, and with the extensive space that it occupies in life, it reveals an important research subject in the field of interactive media design.

Based on a pilot area where Galata, Sishane, and Karakoy is included; simultaneous visualization exercises were done to cover interests and time concepts.
