As part of the Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark project supported by İstanbul Development Agency, graphic design and industrial design workshops are getting started at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark.
The aim of these workshops is to create 2 and 3 dimensional products some of which will be produced by traditional methods. They are to emphasize the importance of Küçükyalı ArkeoPark by means of archaeology, architectural history and art history; sustainability of cultural heritage and to satisfy the needs of the site such as tourism, publicity, visibility etc. along with the connection with Çınar neighborhood where it stands. The workshops will be open to the university students from industrial design and graphic design departments of all the universities.
WORKSHOP 2 – Graphic Design Workshop
Date: 3 May 2016 15.00 – 18.00
Location: KUAR – Koç University
Moderators: Asım Evren Yantaç, Aykut Coşkun
Eligible People: University students from graphic design departments of all the universities.
WORKSHOP 1 – Industrial Design Workshop
Date: 29 April 2016 09.30 – 17.30
Location: Küçükyalı Arkeopark
Moderators: Asım Evren Yantaç, Aykut Coşkun
Eligible People: University students from industrial design departments of all the universities.